101837263 : 4.8% interest. Return within same day then no interest charge.
dend4u : Margin Trading is a form of debt, got interest one leh
103044573 : 4.8% per year. Interest only begins on T+2 days. So on 1k it’s like 10 cents a day after second day. But remember, only use what u can cover ah
muddy MGY OP 103044573 : Got it. Thanks for the detailed answer!
101837263 : 4.8% interest. Return within same day then no interest charge.
dend4u : Margin Trading is a form of debt, got interest one leh
103044573 : 4.8% per year. Interest only begins on T+2 days. So on 1k it’s like 10 cents a day after second day. But remember, only use what u can cover ah
muddy MGY OP 103044573 : Got it. Thanks for the detailed answer!