OCBC's market price of $12.33 is the cheapest, and it also has the fewest dividends. The dividends of DBS and UOB in previous years are on par with those of previous years, but now the DBS market price of $30 is about $4 higher than that of UOB, so there may be differences in dividends this year.
101754615 : OCBC's market price of $12.33 is the cheapest, and it also has the fewest dividends. The dividends of DBS and UOB in previous years are on par with those of previous years, but now the DBS market price of $30 is about $4 higher than that of UOB, so there may be differences in dividends this year.
pup pup OP : I have DBS... I want to buy one more to get dividends in the long run, so would UOB be better than OCBC's?
H3ath : I have invested a lot in DBS and OCBC; UOB just bought One Lot.
pup pup OP H3ath :
安稳的菲比 : Which of the 3 banks in Singapore has more objective dividends
newtimes 安稳的菲比 : UOB..
安稳的菲比 newtimes : Thank you
Alvin0021 : How are dividends calculated? For example, OCBC is now giving 0.159, and I'm buying 100. Is 100x0.159=15.9? Is that right?
hufflepuff Alvin0021 : Correct.
Alvin0021 hufflepuff : Understood... Thankyou
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