Zedx32 : Diam lah kanasai
trexhills OP floppyears : LIL KID PROFITED SO MUCH IN
DumbMoneyApe : I cannot find my sell button.
trexhills OP DumbMoneyApe : dont sell yet. sell limit first. play it smart
Self Identified Boy trexhills OP : never sell limits... NEVER - this is FUD ADVICE. At least pretend to be a real person and change your name to “Jeremy Fuddington” or something so it’s not as obvious
This is the play Self Identified Boy : Fuddington!
trexhills OP Zedx32 : (:
Zedx32 : Diam lah kanasai
trexhills OP floppyears : LIL KID PROFITED SO MUCH IN
DumbMoneyApe : I cannot find my sell button.
trexhills OP DumbMoneyApe : dont sell yet. sell limit first. play it smart
Self Identified Boy trexhills OP : never sell limits... NEVER - this is FUD ADVICE. At least pretend to be a real person and change your name to “Jeremy Fuddington” or something so it’s not as obvious
This is the play Self Identified Boy : Fuddington!

trexhills OP Zedx32 : (: