After the initial listing, if a stock's average closing price over any 30 consecutive trading days falls below $1, the stock is subject to delisting from the NYSE. This average closing price equals the sum of 30 consecutive closing prices, divided by 30. A closing price is the last trading price of a trading day.
you'll get your money back at the price it got delisted at. don't worry it is not even close to getting delisted. if you zoom out, it has been much lower than this for very long time. wait for legalisation of weed and it'll be fine.
why alway win : Your money is safe bro. Don’t worry.
随 然 : ok,We will do it next month.go go sndl
CoolWaterCoolWater : After the initial listing, if a stock's average closing price over any 30 consecutive trading days falls below $1, the stock is subject to delisting from the NYSE. This average closing price equals the sum of 30 consecutive closing prices, divided by 30. A closing price is the last trading price of a trading day.
But no worry. This will not happen to Sundial.
Polaristar : What happens when a stock delist?
102821922 Polaristar : you'll get your money back at the price it got delisted at. don't worry it is not even close to getting delisted. if you zoom out, it has been much lower than this for very long time. wait for legalisation of weed and it'll be fine.