Right now all I can think of is the fact that we have most of the shares, we can sort of play them with the price. Personally I feel that 1k is totally possible if they are desperate enough. Margin call can be a nice catalyst for this big bang.
good deals only
Yeah I think around 1k is possible, plus we don’t know how much naked shorts there is to cover. But anything above like 10k or smth I think that’s a dream(might come true) HAHA
good deals only
If we consider human factor, yeah when reaching that big numbers we may see a lot of apes with low stock quantity pull out. To be honest, if I see 2k-5k I will just pull out already... Hard to predict if they pull stunt with new regulation that can screw us over.
good deals only : 1000 lah this stock so much more potential than gme squeeze last time. Hope at least 1k
alqaholics OP good deals only : i like your thinking brother
good deals only alqaholics OP : Ape mentality bro
CherryPudding : Right now all I can think of is the fact that we have most of the shares, we can sort of play them with the price. Personally I feel that 1k is totally possible if they are desperate enough. Margin call can be a nice catalyst for this big bang.
good deals only CherryPudding : Yeah I think around 1k is possible, plus we don’t know how much naked shorts there is to cover. But anything above like 10k or smth I think that’s a dream(might come true) HAHA
CherryPudding good deals only : If we consider human factor, yeah when reaching that big numbers we may see a lot of apes with low stock quantity pull out. To be honest, if I see 2k-5k I will just pull out already... Hard to predict if they pull stunt with new regulation that can screw us over.