You are able to big while you wait for the deposit to clear , you get instant buying power just make sure what you deposit is what you have in your bank account and extra ofc
of course you cant buy anything with 0. Put some money in your account and make sure you have enough to cover the second to second market fluctuations
71525502 : you need to deposit funds into your account in order to purchase shares and it usually takes a few days to do so.
UR2EZ : show screenshot of your order pending
420errday 71525502 : You are able to big while you wait for the deposit to clear , you get instant buying power just make sure what you deposit is what you have in your bank account and extra ofc
420errday : I meant to say buy*
UxFxO : of course you cant buy anything with 0. Put some money in your account and make sure you have enough to cover the second to second market fluctuations