Still a newbie : me. But I used DBS Vickers
Egbert S OP Still a newbie : I asked FUTU customer service,they said they will issue by today
Still a newbie Egbert S OP : Guess so. There will be a 1 to 2 day difference, just like dividend payments
Rich Bear : Oh jz in
chickenfeet : me! just got it today! [=
TYS78 chickenfeet : Is that full received? How come I just received quarter?
legend_sg : Able to trade the rights shares today? If today, price should drop but didn't see that happen.
legend_sg : Seems like a popular rights. I only got half of what i applied.
Egbert S OP legend_sg : Did they return the cash for the rest rejected shares
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Still a newbie : me. But I used DBS Vickers
Egbert S OP Still a newbie : I asked FUTU customer service,they said they will issue by today
Still a newbie Egbert S OP : Guess so. There will be a 1 to 2 day difference, just like dividend payments
Rich Bear : Oh jz in
chickenfeet : me! just got it today! [=
TYS78 chickenfeet : Is that full received? How come I just received quarter?
legend_sg : Able to trade the rights shares today? If today, price should drop but didn't see that happen.
legend_sg : Seems like a popular rights. I only got half of what i applied.
Egbert S OP legend_sg : Did they return the cash for the rest rejected shares
Egbert S OP legend_sg : Did they return the cash for the rest rejected shares
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