Mcsnacks H Tupack
I’m just letting people know what’s coming. Those 12 million were averaged in today. Tomorrow they will be put into option contracts for new strikes. Those shares hit the stock price twice that way. Whoever knows what to expect and can react the quickest make the most money.
Mcsnacks H Tupack
It May be now that they are getting all this money from the prospectus.Dependa on how greedy the company is. They could hand out bonuses to each other or stock options even. Or they may be grateful and divide it up with the investors. Whichever you think the kind of people they are.
Thismyname : is that bad?
OldNormanBates : You want to dump in the FUD, Don't you...
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP OldNormanBates : I’m just letting people know what’s coming. Those 12 million were averaged in today. Tomorrow they will be put into option contracts for new strikes. Those shares hit the stock price twice that way. Whoever knows what to expect and can react the quickest make the most money.
Jesus is lord : please is this filing a bad or good thing
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Thismyname : Depends on if you’re holding to get the dividend
Thismyname Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : is this dividin gonna be worth it
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Jesus is lord : It’s depends on tomorrow’s volume. High volume no big deal. Low volume then the stock could fall back to 4-5.00.
Jesus is lord : i can see there is already a selloff y r companies like to destroy things
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Thismyname : It May be now that they are getting all this money from the prospectus.Dependa on how greedy the company is. They could hand out bonuses to each other or stock options even. Or they may be grateful and divide it up with the investors. Whichever you think the kind of people they are.
Thismyname Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : u think the dividend is gonna be between like 10-20 $ is it good to hold or naw
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