cheerfulknight : You can take a look at all other stocks and let us know which are the stocks that got good CAGR, good fundamentals and is not overvalued… appreciate it, we could all earn more money
thatsDway : u sound like u dont know anything haha
Le MOASS 地藏王 : LOL
Vin1989 : Did you end up shorting. Good luck HAHAHA
Satoru Gojo 地藏王 : Wa relax leh guanyinma
地藏王 Satoru Gojo : this is fudder guanyinma normally say ok to anything but him coming here and saying its overvalued with no basis is KIAM KAN
Satoru Gojo 地藏王 : hahahahahaha
18siao HUAT爷 : You my idol.
Ding Tong : Very Good!
HUAT爷 18siao : Ong heng huat to you my child
cheerfulknight : You can take a look at all other stocks and let us know which are the stocks that got good CAGR, good fundamentals and is not overvalued… appreciate it, we could all earn more money
thatsDway : u sound like u dont know anything haha
Le MOASS 地藏王 : LOL
Vin1989 : Did you end up shorting. Good luck HAHAHA
Satoru Gojo 地藏王 : Wa relax leh guanyinma
地藏王 Satoru Gojo : this is fudder guanyinma normally say ok to anything but him coming here and saying its overvalued with no basis is KIAM KAN
Satoru Gojo 地藏王 : hahahahahaha
18siao HUAT爷 : You my idol.
Ding Tong : Very Good!
HUAT爷 18siao : Ong heng huat to you my child