Look up the revenue and net income trends for the past two years at a financial news site that allows you to easily search for detailed company information using the ticker symbol. These sites provide historical charts showing a company's price fluctuations over time, plus they will give you the P/S ratio and P/E ratio. Look at the recent trends in both sets of figures, noting whether growth is choppy or consistent. You should also review profit margins to see if they are generally rising, falling, or remaining the same. This information will come into play more during the next step.
Due diligence is an investigation of a potential investment to confirm all facts and to ensure the purchase will meet our needs. Moving forward you also need to consider a variety of factors when performing due diligence on stock, including valuations, competitors, management, and risks which we will cover in the next chapter of the topic, for more details stay tuned.
Lv_sq : This article is the old fashioned way of investing and would not beneficial. If you follow this article, you would lose a lot of money because hedge fund will make the price go down to make you sell. Hedge fund don't care about capitalization, margin trend or revenue. Trading by momentum is the safest way to fight the hedge fund. I m investing in AMC for that reason.
Sinthetic Lv_sq : Momentum is synthetic when they control order flow. They choose whether to put your order on the exchange.
Lv_sq : Eventually they will have to put the order through. Momentum meaning you pick stock that are most popular like AMC with retailer control large percentage of stock and stock that being short sell by hedge fund with high interest rate. If you pick anything that doesn't fit that condition, you are not going to beat the hedge fund. You see how much AMC and Gamestop stock gain? You play old way, you will lose to hedge fund period
LimpehDesmond Lv_sq : Agree!
aoimizu Lv_sq : Agreed. How do we check which stocks have large retail ownership?
Lv_sq : you can check at nasdag.com . use computer or set your phone browser as "desktop site". Then enter ticker name in box search and look for INSTITUTIONAL HOLDING your left side. look at image as an example for AMC. Institutional ownership is 22.96 meaning 77.04 is holding by retailer. see image
win 11118 : Nice
aoimizu Lv_sq : Thank you! Learned something bright and early today