Fan_of_myself : envy!
Cathy CLX : How you spot those Low price stocks?
Cathy CLX : You sold almost 1/3 leh cos your cost average go down leh.
GoldSeeker Cathy CLX : stop stalking other people profile la
Cathy CLX GoldSeeker : Why can’t? She/he even you, you can hold you can sell, nobody stop you, why should you bother others? Just learn la, so difficult meh?
N377 OP Cathy CLX : From @TheStockScalpers.. U can follow this and see.
Cathy CLX N377 OP : Noted with thanks. Following now.
N377 OP Cathy CLX : Welcome
Cathy CLX N377 OP : Super cool. You are the best.
GoldSeeker Cathy CLX : err.. i think there is some miscommunication here lol
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Fan_of_myself : envy!
Cathy CLX : How you spot those Low price stocks?
Cathy CLX : You sold almost 1/3 leh cos your cost average go down leh.
GoldSeeker Cathy CLX : stop stalking other people profile la
Cathy CLX GoldSeeker : Why can’t? She/he even you, you can hold you can sell, nobody stop you, why should you bother others? Just learn la, so difficult meh?
N377 OP Cathy CLX : From @TheStockScalpers.. U can follow this and see.
Cathy CLX N377 OP : Noted with thanks. Following now.
N377 OP Cathy CLX : Welcome
Cathy CLX N377 OP : Super cool. You are the best.
GoldSeeker Cathy CLX : err.. i think there is some miscommunication here lol
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