Coffee Drip
commented on a stock · Jun 23, 2021 03:32
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ This is your flight attendant. ...
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$This is your flight attendant. We may experience a little turbulance in the next 30 minutes. Please for your safety and mine, remain seated. Kindly buckle up and relax. Thank you again for flying with apeflight.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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Greenhorn : And remember to keep the lid on your coffee
Coffee Drip OP Greenhorn :
AllenBarry Greenhorn : I been trying to not spill my coffee through this turbulence. Kinda hard when the seatbelt is broken..I blame the HFs
Bizarre Suicide : Yeeaaahhh
Coffee Drip OP AllenBarry : We do apolgize for the inconvience. I do have duct tape and napkins readily available for such emergencies.
UR2EZ : emergency exits are not available, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause
AllenBarry Coffee Drip OP : Lemme get two extra coffees while im strapped with duct tape incase we get raided by hedgies so I can ruin their tie.
Maximal : 30 minutes ?! I am going to expecting 30 days !! Hahaha
Greenhorn AllenBarry : lol here you go
Bryan Mcneese : what do think sell at 63?
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