Sh0ryuKen : I bought in 10.76. Still holding.
evilangel_a7 Sh0ryuKen :
Sh0ryuKen evilangel_a7 :
evilangel_a7 Sh0ryuKen : Mine is 11.16
地藏王 : no regrets just hold its okay one day one day we will come back just HOLD
Vin1989 : No need 1 day la. @Guanyinmatell the guys the actual date. I know u got insider news
地藏王 : okay 30th june the share will pump to 20
地藏王 :
Sh0ryuKen : I bought in 10.76. Still holding.
evilangel_a7 Sh0ryuKen :
Sh0ryuKen evilangel_a7 :
evilangel_a7 Sh0ryuKen : Mine is 11.16
Sh0ryuKen evilangel_a7 :
地藏王 : no regrets just hold its okay one day one day we will come back just HOLD
Vin1989 : No need 1 day la. @Guanyinmatell the guys the actual date. I know u got insider news
地藏王 : okay 30th june the share will pump to 20
地藏王 :