叫我哥哥 : The price range for this stock can be 20 dollars and above, do you think it’s cheap enough now?
Sh0ryuKen : It really depends on yourself. Read the comments, the news and the facts. We bought in at various prices and have also bought the dips at below $5. Really up to you.
Nickkky : high chance short squeeze but not confirm
Mad Man Nickkky : Squeeze to hell
叫我哥哥 : The price range for this stock can be 20 dollars and above, do you think it’s cheap enough now?
Sh0ryuKen : It really depends on yourself. Read the comments, the news and the facts. We bought in at various prices and have also bought the dips at below $5. Really up to you.
Nickkky : high chance short squeeze but not confirm
Mad Man Nickkky : Squeeze to hell