MMATF OTC Mkt Stock Closed now and new NASDAQ Market MMAT Ticker open for business Monday Morning June 28th. TRCH becomes MMAT later today after opening bell 0930EST and Changeover for RS and Ticker Change complete.
Apparently. My E*TRADE account changed all my TRCH shares to MMAT but they did not change my MMATF shares to MMAT. They also cut my number of TRC eight shares in half when they turned them into MMAT
顶风买菜真难啊 : Wait, it's just mmat
Violets OP 顶风买菜真难啊 : thanks!
OldNormanBates : MMATF OTC Mkt Stock Closed now and new NASDAQ Market MMAT Ticker open for business Monday Morning June 28th. TRCH becomes MMAT later today after opening bell 0930EST and Changeover for RS and Ticker Change complete.
70900497 : Apparently. My E*TRADE account changed all my TRCH shares to MMAT but they did not change my MMATF shares to MMAT. They also cut my number of TRC eight shares in half when they turned them into MMAT
huatSG 顶风买菜真难啊 : friend. If it's League 30, the price will rise, right
顶风买菜真难啊 huatSG : I hope so