darius96 : Guanyinma can I borrow money from you to buy more?
南无阿弥陀佛恒吉祥 : Amitabha
user1528 : Could it be that shorties pushing low then want to shake off paper hands.. Then buy to cover the shorts for trch
地藏王 OP 南无阿弥陀佛恒吉祥 : Amitabha good, good, good
ni lao bu : Guanyinma, can let me win toto to buy more MMAT?
Omg-oMg-omG 地藏王 OP : Can you bless some ToTo money come in, then I can pump this up!!!
地藏王 OP Omg-oMg-omG : 3 6 10 17 19 43
Omg-oMg-omG 地藏王 OP : Lolll you better go buy too. Thursday share profit!!
darius96 : Guanyinma can I borrow money from you to buy more?
南无阿弥陀佛恒吉祥 : Amitabha
user1528 : Could it be that shorties pushing low then want to shake off paper hands.. Then buy to cover the shorts for trch
地藏王 OP 南无阿弥陀佛恒吉祥 : Amitabha good, good, good
ni lao bu : Guanyinma, can let me win toto to buy more MMAT?
Omg-oMg-omG 地藏王 OP : Can you bless some ToTo money come in, then I can pump this up!!!
地藏王 OP Omg-oMg-omG : 3 6 10 17 19 43
Omg-oMg-omG 地藏王 OP : Lolll you better go buy too. Thursday share profit!!