Thismyname : cause we are lol they raised the price so much
Cris_liu_cris : all people here asking us for holding, are they from the hedge funds??
Osotogari Cris_liu_cris : If I was a HF I would tell you sell. Do you know what a HF is?
Cris_liu_cris Osotogari : then you just hold until the price drops to 3, good luck
Thismyname : cause we are lol they raised the price so much
Cris_liu_cris : all people here asking us for holding, are they from the hedge funds??
Osotogari Cris_liu_cris : If I was a HF I would tell you sell. Do you know what a HF is?
Cris_liu_cris Osotogari : then you just hold until the price drops to 3, good luck