When I was in college. Did spaghetti and meatballs last week of the month. $1000 to live off a month. Bunch of spaghetti. Sauce. And meat. Bread.
Also. The idea of me eating and spaghetti meatballs. Gonna be awhile. But I can make damn good spaghetti and meatballs. Would like to go all exotic on the meatballs. Like ground up venison Buffalo and elk meat. Little bit of seasoning. Little bit of oil.
Adam L. Bates : yesssir, everything else goes into AMC!!!
Doc___ : Don’t forget crayons.
Doc___ : When I was in college. Did spaghetti and meatballs last week of the month. $1000 to live off a month. Bunch of spaghetti. Sauce. And meat. Bread.
Doc___ : Also. The idea of me eating and spaghetti meatballs. Gonna be awhile. But I can make damn good spaghetti and meatballs. Would like to go all exotic on the meatballs. Like ground up venison Buffalo and elk meat. Little bit of seasoning. Little bit of oil.
Well Water OP Doc___ : You're going all in with the spaghetti alternative recipes