quick-witted Goose
GME has 76M outstanding shares AMC has 500M outstanding shears its normal for GME to hit 400+ if AMC hits 100k that’s 50T with (T) which is more than the entire stock market value, so if AMC squeezed to 10k this is gonna be 5T and more realistic to happen
quick-witted Goose
Why it’s a joke? VW when squeezed it has reached 1300$ with 50B market cap and 12% short interest, AMC maybe 5000 or 3000
C w6
no one truly knows, you will see a lot of people posting that obviously don't have a clue how market cap works nor how the required buying pressure actually goes through but in absolute truth it's not something predictable and never has been.
C w6
I want to mention this specifically about your comment, How much another stock cost is not apples to apples. You have to look at overall market cap as companies with extremely high prices often have extremely limited shares and the fewer the shares the easier for the price to increase, hence why stockholders Don't like dilution. You can believe this will go to 100k if you want, I disagree but I'm not here to make people agree with me but at the very least please understand you can't compare stocks from one company directly to another just on price alone.
Bull Run : per share 200 will be the peak
71641151 : Google the "world's more expensive stocks." Anybody who says more than 1k is a joke.
Newcleuz : 100K per stock, minimum. Most expensive stock is over 500K
Peacezzz Bull Run : gme went to 400+ in a single squeeze, potentially higher if not bcause of robbinghood
quick-witted Goose OP Peacezzz : GME has 76M outstanding shares AMC has 500M outstanding shears its normal for GME to hit 400+ if AMC hits 100k that’s 50T with (T) which is more than the entire stock market value, so if AMC squeezed to 10k this is gonna be 5T and more realistic to happen
quick-witted Goose OP 71641151 : Why it’s a joke? VW when squeezed it has reached 1300$ with 50B market cap and 12% short interest, AMC maybe 5000 or 3000
quick-witted Goose OP Bull Run : No
C w6 : no one truly knows, you will see a lot of people posting that obviously don't have a clue how market cap works nor how the required buying pressure actually goes through but in absolute truth it's not something predictable and never has been.
C w6 Newcleuz : I want to mention this specifically about your comment, How much another stock cost is not apples to apples. You have to look at overall market cap as companies with extremely high prices often have extremely limited shares and the fewer the shares the easier for the price to increase, hence why stockholders Don't like dilution.
You can believe this will go to 100k if you want, I disagree but I'm not here to make people agree with me but at the very least please understand you can't compare stocks from one company directly to another just on price alone.