geshen516 : Kill American chives
Kyra W : Are you trying to say offended someone?
Ni333 OP Kyra W : Hold stay
Kyra W Ni333 OP :
Ni333 OP Kyra W : Don't panic
xmomentx : To burn the American money ?
Ni333 OP xmomentx : You should ask yourself why you so scare?! And you left who benefit?!
geshen516 : Kill American chives
Kyra W : Are you trying to say offended someone?
Ni333 OP Kyra W : Hold stay
Kyra W Ni333 OP :
Ni333 OP Kyra W : Don't panic
xmomentx : To burn the American money ?
Ni333 OP xmomentx : You should ask yourself why you so scare?! And you left who benefit?!