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Cryptocurrency is for the people, and them only

If there was one distinctive feature that would enable one to tell the difference between a “bogus” digital currency and a real one, it would be this: Its not controlled by any outside goverments or officials.
The era of private, cryptographically secured money is here, and there’s only 2 things bureaucrats, any politician or any nation state can do about it. Buy it all up or ban it. The first is near impossible. The second is more likely and its already being done. The New World Order or whoever is taking over the world has one thing their entire plan hinges on succeeding or failing.
It all depends on people believing their narrative. Whenever confronted with opposition to their plan you will hear them echo it, time after time to regain control. They are already using it to stop Bitcoin, had their puppet Elon do a test run. The two words you will hear repeated over and over until their plan succeeds are Global Warming or Climate Change. Real or Not doesnt really matter. The problem with it that people dont understand that should stop it in its tracks is that EV isnt even possible as a carbon reducer. Everything we build requires lots of carbon and there is no substitute. You want to stop global warming then you have one and only one choice: STOP PRODUCING ANYTHING. There are no substitutions. You either live in comfort or you start living like its the 1800’s that is how you stop global warming, you cant build alternatives thats stupid. Building requires carbon.Lots of it. The governments know this, scientist know this, Elites know it but its their ticket to total control. The New World Order are the ones starting all these companies, turning fiat money into digital, trying to shut down anything that goes against their plan. If anything you should worry when Elites, Banks, and Corporations are buying crypto.Crypto should be for the working class and private citizens only, its our only way out of their planned serfdom and enslavement of the world population. When a corporation,bank,an elite, or any company connected to government buys crypto they should be boycotted by the prívate citizens until they sell it back. That ia a long shot i know. Society is addicted to their Institutional slavemasters and the day will come when they will regret it. $Bitcoin (BTC.CC)$ $Dogecoin (DOGE.CC)$
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  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : This is the brainwashing technique being used: A practical behavior applied by participants to feel better about their consumption is to minimize it. These PEBEXs makes them question their private and job-related consumption to acknowledge that they (and others) are better off with less. These narratives also contain social criticisms of materialism, perceived as a social norm of the Western world. PEBEX(Pro-environmental Behaviour Exercises).

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : They believe that change at an individual level is meaningless or insignificant. Again, telling. Because the overall policy is collectivist and for many of these people, individualism is a mental disorder.  Suffice it to quote Samuel Konkin’s “Liberty cannot be achieved en masse. It can only happen individual by individual”)

  • Brian Harrell : so true

Mcsnacks H Tupack
Moo Contributor
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