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The “Man” is not doing the firing anymore,AI is

A Bloomberg report details how artificial intelligence systems employed by $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ have hired and fired contract drivers. Called "Flex," Amazon uses AI to determine how many drivers are needed for deliveries. The app, installed on drivers' smartphones, measures whether they delivered packages on time and followed customers' special requests. If a driver misses the mark, they are subjected to an automatic firing. People are saying Amazon unfairly punished them for things way beyond their control - such as locked apartment complexes. The algorithm failed to see external factors that may affect deliveries. At the world's largest e-commerce retailer, algorithms are the boss, hiring and firing and monitoring hundreds of thousands of workers with hardly any human oversight. There's no way to dispute their firing as Flex is entirely automated. One can appeal through arbitration, but that costs $200. Amazon knows delegating human resource work to machines is cheaper and more efficient. Being hired and fired by AI is the new dystopic reality the working-poor must face. Amazon has a huge PR problem in treating their workers, mostly exposed during the virus pandemic. Sooner or later, Amazon will run out of workers as its high churn rate has alarmed executives. But don't worry, automated delivery vans and warehouses are coming and will eventually displace humans working for the company.
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  • AllSeeingGuy : These days you're not just amother number to humans, you are also just another number to AI. Baffling. Or is it?

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP AllSeeingGuy : Sheep controlled by the world government instead of the company.Companies owners now  only  collect their new lower percentages which they accept because they aren’t involved with the running of it.

  • MrSaucy : yep, technology will cause chaos for humanity if not put into the right path. ELon Reese Musk once said " We want to colonize Mars, but it's a one way ticket" hmm. I'm good here in earth. lol

  • Jet Bomb : this is going to be ran through 5g. 5g is just to make sure you ai vehicle stays in the lines on the road & track your exact position precisely. ppl think cellular tech is great wait till it starts switching on you just for saying stupid stuff you don't mean, or as a joke.

  • Machiavellis3rdEye : For the love of humanity, Go to your iOS device and under EVERY SINGLE APP YOU HAVE (and then some) turn off all 1-6 Siri options.... if it says “learn” or “suggest” YOU DONT WANT IT!!  I don’t care how boring and/or legal and/or unimportant you think your  own behavior or cell usage data is... just do it.  Please. Takes less than an hour of your time.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Machiavellis3rdEye : Wont matter. You have to get rid of cellphone completely. Turning off this and on that  are trinkets so people will think they are in control. I’ve taken my SIM card out turned everything off down to wifi, and then get in my jeep and drive way off any Highway and far away from any cell towers and turned the phone back on with no signal no SIM card and it will still do one thing: Show my exact location. The only way I have found to get around it is by have 4 iPhones signed into my account. I keep one with me and have the other 3 plugged in, all at separate locations in different states. Just to have it thrown off a little bit but then they pick up on which phone you are using the most so thought have to switch them up every couple of weeks. And no I’m not paranoid. I have 3 babies mamas and I don’t like people knowing where to find me. 😂

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Having an iPhone with you at all times is like wearing a condom. Yea it’s safer that way but it just doesn’t feel right. 😂

  • AllSeeingGuy Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : LOLs

  • GeaRbOx : If you want to live in Elysium, keep voting for people that cut taxes on the rich and slash education.

    The race to the bottom is only one sides dream. Look up the Venus project and see what Andrew Yang had to say.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP GeaRbOx : So they are going to make voting count again? 😂 I was under the impression The winner is chosen beforehand.

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