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The reason society is turning into Orwell’s book 1984

Power can sometimes be won or maintained without violence, but never without fraud, because it is necessary to use the masses. CIA was actively in the business of defrauding the masses by secretly supporting the so-called non-Communist left and behaving as if it was just a spontaneous outgrowth of a free society. By turning the left to the service of its expanding empire, the CIA was applying a French Turn of its own by picking the best and the brightest, and the creation of the National Security Act of 1947 institutionalized it. Assisted by Britain’s Information Research Department (the IRD), the CIA recruited key former Soviet disinformation agents trained before the war who had managed non-Communist front groups for Moscow and put them to work. They used John Burnhams book as their CIA guidance. What Burnham was mainly concerned to show [in "The Machiavellians"] is that a democratic society has never existed and, so far as we can see, never will exist. Society is of its nature oligarchical, and the power of the oligarchy always rests upon force and fraud. Orwell is said to have modeled his novel "1984" on Burnham’s vision of the coming totalitarian state, which he described as "a new kind of society, neither capitalist nor Socialist.” You wonder why you hear Orwellian so much lately and refernces to his book 1984 its becaused his book is based on the machiavellians book which is what the CIA’s organization used as a blueprint for their installations of governments worldwide. And now its next target(USA) is the last piece to the puzzle.
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  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : He says in the book that the demagogues cant fully develop and finish their plan because the working class controls them with the means of production. But now technology has removed that control and as each day passes they need the masses less and less.

  • Mr Trecherous : One day closer to Soylent Green [undefined]

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Tupac chose this symbolism on his album. He was drawn into the world of the Illuminati. And had decided to wage war against their evil. Hence the killuminati song number 11 on Makaveli  means “ Kill The Illuminati.” But they assassinated him before the uprising. Machiavelli quoted that no man with power is to be trusted.
    They got me thinkin' strugglin' and hustling's my only fate.
    God damn, now I'm a grown man, I follow no man
    Nigga got my own plan, and it's called Killuminati. -Tupac Shakur AKA Makaveli.

  • Machiavellis3rdEye Mr Trecherous : [undefined]

  • Machiavellis3rdEye Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : That kills like 12-gauge shotty....

  • Mr Trecherous Mcsnacks H Tupack OP : Your a deep cat. Always on a killer topic with a depth of knowledge. very wise. appreciate your views [undefined]

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Mr Trecherous : Most of it is historical facts. Some are facts that they have removed from history books that you have to hear from people in their 90’s. Why do you think Covid is deadliest to  elderly people? It’s engineered that way. They want statues removed, the elderly gone, and schools to become institutional brainwashing daycares  where they learn nothing mathematical or historical. They want to be able to create their own fake history. AI is already erasing negative historical facts about democrats and Big tech companies(who worked where so it’s hard to make the connections between China and US companies). They also are putting in alternative historical facts that will make you be like that didnt happen that way, did it? The speed at which they are doing it means they are giving it until I’d say October to be in full swing of their takeover. Market crash again, lockdowns thru the holidays again, really drive that wedge into families separated.

  • Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Mr Trecherous : Or They could release the Covid-19 virus and It wipeout all the vaccinated people. Now I don’t know how the new vaccine is made up but I do know they have been working on a coronavirus vaccine for 30 years. And the last vaccine they had was tested on cows back around 2014-2015. The vaccine worked to a point that if the cows were reinfected with the original  strain it caused all the internal organs to start liquifying. I’m sure they fixed that this time around. And the original strain mutates so that there is no longer the original strain circulating well unless you have it stored in a lab somewhere then release that original strain again. 😂

Mcsnacks H Tupack
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