0.124 is at par when the right issue completed. Generally, will further drop after the issuance but the bet is whether will have a RUN between now and completion date that is the gamble to take.
self-disciplined LAW
Usually existing shareholders will buy the discounted share and sell for immediate profits to cut their losses, which is understandable of why the price will fall in short term. Hopefully the merger will come in time to hold the price.
self-disciplined LAW
There is hope of uncertainty. The bottomline at profits decide the ball part of entire game play. Do you think the business will make profit after mergee that was in red all this while? It mught happen but time does not allowed.
self-disciplined LAW OP 102434803 :
Everyone losing
If already lost so much, i would suggest leave it..
divinepapa : 0.124 is at par when the right issue completed. Generally, will further drop after the issuance but the bet is whether will have a RUN between now and completion date that is the gamble to take.
self-disciplined LAW OP divinepapa : Usually existing shareholders will buy the discounted share and sell for immediate profits to cut their losses, which is understandable of why the price will fall in short term. Hopefully the merger will come in time to hold the price.
divinepapa self-disciplined LAW OP : There is hope of uncertainty. The bottomline at profits decide the ball part of entire game play. Do you think the business will make profit after mergee that was in red all this while? It mught happen but time does not allowed.