103106763 : every 10 shares on hand is given 3 new shares. so if you had 1000 shares yesterday, now you have 1300 shares.
CDPRO2 103106763 : anyone else's 3 for 10 shares not yet received?
102067855 OP 103106763 : Mom thank you I haven't received the stock I sent
103106763 CDPRO2 : I haven't received until now.
102067855 OP : The shares that have been given have not yet been given; the market value is still the previous market value. Why?
103106763 : every 10 shares on hand is given 3 new shares. so if you had 1000 shares yesterday, now you have 1300 shares.
CDPRO2 103106763 : anyone else's 3 for 10 shares not yet received?
102067855 OP 103106763 : Mom thank you I haven't received the stock I sent
103106763 CDPRO2 : I haven't received until now.
102067855 OP : The shares that have been given have not yet been given; the market value is still the previous market value. Why?