The low volume and greater inflow than outflow tells us that we are holding. Hedge funds keep borrowing stock for a pretty penny to short it down. The more they borrow the more they hurt.
They have lost billions, we are on the right track!
The tactic here is to make it appear that the price of said stock is falling. This will give paper hands that little nudge to sell. The idea that no one is selling is a bit false. Yes, there are true apes here, myself included, but there are also those who bought at the 60 and 70 range that are scared to lose what bit they invested. Those are the first targets of low price manipulation. Second, they are driving the price down to something more manageable for FTDs. The lower the price, the less they have to pay back. Considering this is over billions, 10-20 dollars a share adds up quick. Yes it’s criminal yes it’s morally wrong and yes this is a dirty business act and THIS is why we’re are here fighting these PIGs. Don’t listen to Shills and pay no mind to FUD. Use your brain and the research skills you’ve learned through your years on a computer. You can find the truth, it doesn’t take much effort.
102963545 : HF manipulating stock price with whatever tactics possible for as long as possible to try n demoralise some of us.

BUT HFs still have NOT covered their positions & us apes still own most of AMC shares. HODL for the win
GOOBERHAG : The low volume and greater inflow than outflow tells us that we are holding. Hedge funds keep borrowing stock for a pretty penny to short it down. The more they borrow the more they hurt.
They have lost billions, we are on the right track!
SheyApe : The tactic here is to make it appear that the price of said stock is falling. This will give paper hands that little nudge to sell. The idea that no one is selling is a bit false. Yes, there are true apes here, myself included, but there are also those who bought at the 60 and 70 range that are scared to lose what bit they invested. Those are the first targets of low price manipulation. Second, they are driving the price down to something more manageable for FTDs. The lower the price, the less they have to pay back. Considering this is over billions, 10-20 dollars a share adds up quick. Yes it’s criminal yes it’s morally wrong and yes this is a dirty business act and THIS is why we’re are here fighting these PIGs. Don’t listen to Shills and pay no mind to FUD. Use your brain and the research skills you’ve learned through your years on a computer. You can find the truth, it doesn’t take much effort.