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$Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$ hey has anybody gotten TRCH prefe...

$Meta Materials(MMAT.US)$ hey has anybody gotten TRCH preferred shares yet? thise were supposed to go iut line 2 weeks ago. also have any mmatf holders gotten their mmat shares and adjustment yet? that was supposed to happen on friday. this is beginning to become worrysome.
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  • PsychedeliccA : If you didn't get your shares you may not have met the criteria? Yes all are on board

  • PsychedeliccA : Oh Im not sure of you guys got your xtra shares. They took half my shares. I have credit for the Preferred shares. Waiting to see what ill get out of them?

  • commonguy : I dont think rh has given the preferred share yet. Anyone who got kn rh

  • 70900497 OP commonguy : I’m on E*TRADE they reverse split my TRCH and changed to MMAT  but no prefered shares yet and my MMATF are still listed as MMATF but are frozen I can’t trade them they’ve been frozen since close of market last Thursday

  • commonguy : Thats right from what i have seen through. The merger is yet to settle down. Advantages being played around that. There is no news today for this stock to drop by 15%

  • 70900497 OP commonguy : Shorts are taking advantage of all the confusion. While the CEO is great at the science and tech stuff he sucks at the markets, economics and public relations stuff. From the jump they’ve over promised and under delivered on this merger. Delay after delay after delay on both the merger and the prefered shares and the stock conversions. They belled a live presser event yesterday that had no major news or announcements that people didn’t already know meanwhile MMATF is still frozen 6 days later. Prefered shares haven’t been fully distributed 2 weeks later. Before they ever held a presser these basics should have been done and there should have been at least one new catalyst announced. This is why the stock is dropping people are losing confidence in the management.

  • PsychedeliccA : I agree with the confusion. My fear is something may make it fall like a house of cards. Whatever the case I dipped WAY WAY WAY below what I had I was comfortably above 25k but you know PDT rules have me handcuffed and would Love to have that Extra money because Everything is on sale right now. I was hoping for just a little nudge from a WHALE or a catalyst yesterday. We all know we own a terrific stock. Teslas early stages was a more difficult path but are much alike

  • 70900497 OP PsychedeliccA : That’s what I’m saying I’m very long on this company but they need to hire someone who understands markets, marketing and PR to handle that end. Let the tech guys stick to tech and get these prefered shares out get the MMATF shares adjusted and changed over. I think they are dragging their feet on that on purpose. I think that they think once the adjust and unfreeze those MMATF shares into MMAT shares people will sell off. But I think the longer they delay the less confidence those holders are going to have making them even more likely to sell. So they can get it done now and yes they’ll get hit a bit but If this drags out another week or 2 without any serious catalysts they will get slammed maybe down to 3 bucks if they get it done tomorrow or the next day they may be able to hold the line at 5

  • PsychedeliccA 70900497 OP : Well put its seems all of us have the same legitimate questions. This is a good community. Other apps are pointing fingers but I agree they're dragging their feet. Borrowed shares. They'll even block your post if you are asking honest questions. Dragging their feet is a part of their game to insure more time to help shorts. MOOMOO is my favorite app. Word 4 word I believe we're 100% in agreement because sentiment may be completely ruined by the time it counts. Not MY sentiment. My concern about overall sentiment

  • 70900497 OP PsychedeliccA : Agreed I’m holding long in fact I bought 75 shares yesterday at 6.84 bought 38 more today at 6.20 38 more today at 5.9 and I now have a limit order in for another 39 at 5.75 if it dips that far. I keep selling off my AMC 5 or 10 at at a time to buy more MMAT but they need to get me my prefered shares and my mmatf converted and unlocked or they could even break my spirit and I love this companies potential.

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