When kids can't play blackjack, they always try to tell players what to do, or regret for not listening. When something bad happens, they blame the players for not listening, and when it does not, they hide their tail and walk away with no consequences. This is exactly the kid in the community telling apes with over $20k in AMC that he/she have 'warned' us about the dip and should have sold when told to. We are aware of the dip and the whole thing about holding is not to have shares routing into HF. Otherwise we are just swing trading if we sold to buy lower.
Robert Peterson UR2EZ : Bruh.
TradingGuru : best it dip to 10buck then see who e paperhand n start again :)
101510741 UR2EZ : bruh
Baboom : maximum respect
Kevhuat : Right...? Usually those make the most noise holding less than 10 shares. Spare coins.
CherryPudding OP TaMA_ChaN : There are numerous of them in the moomoo community and I have blocked them to filter out the noises. Still see new ones popping up occasionally.
CherryPudding OP UR2EZ : hellos :)