Jade Rabbit
Personally, i would said yes, safe to buy more. plus it has fallen down to 3.97 today with the whole SG market down as well. but its still on a uptrend. I have been holding on since i bought at 1.1 till now.. this is a good potential company. But its just my own opinion. Must do your own.
Jade Rabbit : Personally, i would said yes, safe to buy more. plus it has fallen down to 3.97 today with the whole SG market down as well. but its still on a uptrend. I have been holding on since i bought at 1.1 till now.. this is a good potential company. But its just my own opinion. Must do your own.
Huat Rock3t Moon : Target $5 by end of the year. Meaning about 20% earning. Even at $4.5, is 10%. Better than CPF
MeowMii Huat Rock3t Moon : Why is it going to rise?