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$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ So I have a legitimate question...

$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ So I have a legitimate question. Why are we worried about paper hands selling if most likely their shares are synthetic shares anyway and will not hurt the squeeze when hedgies are margin called? Them scared selling just changes stock price but the stock price is arbitrary compared to the MOASS correct? Just been thinking about this for the past few days.
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  • Self Identified Boy : no retail investor has “synthetic” shares... clearing houses who sell these shares (caused by FTDs - failures to deliver) would HAVE to make the retail investor whole by FINDING shares to cover (by law) - thus, they would have to find them from other apes... thus driving up the price.

    I’m not sure if this IS a legit question, because it SOUNDS like fud

  • Doc___ : We shouldn’t be. But we should be. Need to be able to buy paper hands shares, and put them in diamond hands. Own the float and own the synthetics. Cause we want transparency on what hedges have been doing. We have suspicions and want them to come to light. We don’t want no paper handed portnoys screwing that up.

  • chris from queens : I think most paper hands got wiped out feels very good

  • Greenhorn OP : no it's a legit question. I was just trying to wrap my head around the technicalities of it all. And since I am trying to form wrinkles ask questions most people probably haven't.

  • Doc___ Self Identified Boy : Not true. Hedges have been caught time and time again selling fake shares, or shares they don’t actually own, but yes at some point they need to be covered, their iou shares.

  • Greenhorn OP Doc___ : see this makes sense. If you have all the real and the synthetic shares you can shine a brighter light on the criminality of the hedgies actions

  • Self Identified Boy Doc___ : false... this is FUD. The clearing houses (not the hedgies) MUST ultimately cover synthetics. If you received a voting request from AMC - you hold real shares...

    Hedgies have NOTHING to do with what shares you own... zero. The market makers have to find and shift ALL outstanding shares.

  • Self Identified Boy Greenhorn OP : Again... the hedgies have no control over the TOTAL number of shares... nor do they have responsibility for them. They ultimately MUST be covered by the market makers.

  • Soulforger : Not financial advisor and from what I suspect is that with T+2, market maker may clear the sell ticket on real market to create downward pressure (hence lower price) , or use it to close the higher price buy ticket in dark pool. While buy ticket is route to dark pool and hence manipulate and not reflecte the actual price of the stock.

  • Cashcauterize Greenhorn OP : [undefined]

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