102608816 : what does it mean?
新牛分析 OP 102608816 : Married Deal is an off-the-market transaction between 2 parties on an agreed price.
邓飞DJ 新牛分析 OP : Good news or bad news?
新牛分析 OP 邓飞DJ : Currently still in downtrend... If move up also may be Lower High only.
CoolWaterCoolWater : Bad news for the one who bought it.
新牛分析 OP : Another Married Deal at 0.666 just now with 3.212M units traded.
新牛分析 OP : This morning, another 2 Married Deals of 4.694M units traded at 0.665.
Alex_33 :
102608816 : what does it mean?
新牛分析 OP 102608816 : Married Deal is an off-the-market transaction between 2 parties on an agreed price.
邓飞DJ 新牛分析 OP : Good news or bad news?
新牛分析 OP 邓飞DJ : Currently still in downtrend... If move up also may be Lower High only.
CoolWaterCoolWater : Bad news for the one who bought it.
新牛分析 OP : Another Married Deal at 0.666 just now with 3.212M units traded.
新牛分析 OP : This morning, another 2 Married Deals of 4.694M units traded at 0.665.
Alex_33 :