Monkeyballism : shorts have covered according to ortex data
我要你一鋪清袋 : The squeeze was said to happen since January.
Quasars42 OP 我要你一鋪清袋 : So there’s not going to be any squeeze? Lmao
我要你一鋪清袋 Quasars42 OP : Only time will tell
我问天 Monkeyballism : had been talking since early June. ITM OTM, nothing!
Monkeyballism 我问天 :
Quasars42 OP 我要你一鋪清袋 : Maybe I should start a shrine that prays to the MOASS
GOOBERHAG Monkeyballism : Shorts have NOT covered. If you have Ortex screen shot it because you know no one can see the link without paying for it right?
GOOBERHAG 我要你一鋪清袋 : Yup and I will wait as long as it takes to rake in my free hedge fund money. People are holding.
我要你一鋪清袋 GOOBERHAG : I’m hoping it drop so I can average down. My price is quite high now. Haha
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Monkeyballism : shorts have covered according to ortex data
我要你一鋪清袋 : The squeeze was said to happen since January.
Quasars42 OP 我要你一鋪清袋 : So there’s not going to be any squeeze? Lmao
我要你一鋪清袋 Quasars42 OP : Only time will tell
我问天 Monkeyballism : had been talking since early June. ITM OTM, nothing!
Monkeyballism 我问天 :
Quasars42 OP 我要你一鋪清袋 : Maybe I should start a shrine that prays to the MOASS
GOOBERHAG Monkeyballism : Shorts have NOT covered. If you have Ortex screen shot it because you know no one can see the link without paying for it right?
GOOBERHAG 我要你一鋪清袋 : Yup and I will wait as long as it takes to rake in my free hedge fund money. People are holding.
我要你一鋪清袋 GOOBERHAG : I’m hoping it drop so I can average down. My price is quite high now. Haha
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