BuddyAPE : hoseh liao...
102170036 : it's called as support. and now is post-market. not pre-market. go learn dude.
GM 1 : This is hedge funds trying to make u falter - ask yourself, who is trading at this hour???
GM 1 : As always, u ought to understand how the naked shorts and how the hedge funds need to buy back to close their position
GM 1 : Why are people like yourself in amc if u cannot understand such price attacks are part n parcel ? Ur here because of FOMO???
102301391 : Cant even tell the difference between support and resistance.
Diamond Hand HODL : Where is your brain
BuddyAPE : hoseh liao...
102170036 : it's called as support. and now is post-market. not pre-market. go learn dude.
GM 1 : This is hedge funds trying to make u falter - ask yourself, who is trading at this hour???
GM 1 : As always, u ought to understand how the naked shorts and how the hedge funds need to buy back to close their position
GM 1 : Why are people like yourself in amc if u cannot understand such price attacks are part n parcel ? Ur here because of FOMO???
102301391 : Cant even tell the difference between support and resistance.
Diamond Hand HODL : Where is your brain