Leefh : Keep going
追高抄低 : proceed
101530093 : I sold 7,000 shares at a loss that day
101530093 追高抄低 : Should I buy it again
韭菜丰收 101530093 : In a situation like yours, I don't recommend buying it~
lit tee 101530093 : You can also cut meat for stocks with such high interest rates. We should learn more about why stock prices keep falling
Leefh : Keep going
追高抄低 : proceed
101530093 : I sold 7,000 shares at a loss that day
101530093 追高抄低 : Should I buy it again
韭菜丰收 101530093 : In a situation like yours, I don't recommend buying it~
lit tee 101530093 : You can also cut meat for stocks with such high interest rates. We should learn more about why stock prices keep falling