BabyYodaApe : Chill! We are in this together..
fwdj : juz avg down la
102667462 OP fwdj : my bullet not infinite. the more u buy the deeper the wound for now since it keep dipping
101714538 : Wait till 25
CannablissSmoke : it's crashing. not a short squeeze. amc theaters are dead
joybxx CannablissSmoke : sure......... lol
CannablissSmoke joybxx : yeah it's crashing like I said. how many days down in the last 10 trading days? denial ain't just a river in Egypt
BabyYodaApe : Chill! We are in this together..
fwdj : juz avg down la
102667462 OP fwdj : my bullet not infinite. the more u buy the deeper the wound for now since it keep dipping
101714538 : Wait till 25
CannablissSmoke : it's crashing. not a short squeeze. amc theaters are dead
joybxx CannablissSmoke : sure......... lol
CannablissSmoke joybxx : yeah it's crashing like I said. how many days down in the last 10 trading days? denial ain't just a river in Egypt