voloxo : Or sell puts if u ham
itsgoodinmysoul : Rationale?
Jesus is lord : it will recover
itsgoodinmysoul Jesus is lord : After how long? Don’t forget your opp cost for holding onto a non moving stock.
Jesus is lord itsgoodinmysoul : i have made so much profit in this stock i had it at $2 then sold it at 7 and it was a rollercoaster but it recovers quickly and so i did rebut it no stress about this stock watch
102420157 : This aged well
itsgoodinmysoul : How my friend?
voloxo : Or sell puts if u ham
itsgoodinmysoul : Rationale?
Jesus is lord : it will recover
itsgoodinmysoul Jesus is lord : After how long?
Don’t forget your opp cost for holding onto a non moving stock.
Jesus is lord itsgoodinmysoul : i have made so much profit in this stock i had it at $2 then sold it at 7 and it was a rollercoaster but it recovers quickly and so i did rebut it no stress about this stock watch
102420157 : This aged well

itsgoodinmysoul : How my friend?