Mcsnacks H Tupack
Yea I’ve been recommending it. They have an investors conference on Tuesday and the merger will happen soon after. Then they will put all this news all over the place. You are guaranteed not to lose money if buy now and hold until merger.
Steven Gervais : Nice!
Seamus1 : lokb you recommend sir? it looks like a win , win.
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Seamus1 : Yea I’ve been recommending it. They have an investors conference on Tuesday and the merger will happen soon after. Then they will put all this news all over the place. You are guaranteed not to lose money if buy now and hold until merger.
Seamus1 : thx brother
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Seamus1 : No problem. It’s the easiest investment anyone can make with some patience.
Mcsnacks H Tupack OP Seamus1 : The W is here.
Seamus1 : awesome