Jet Bomb
All the money from the giveaways, has given everyone the chance to get what they desire. Now that inflation has hit most ppl don't need new or more. So they are saving to buy groceries & necessities meaning; tech can't hold it up, travel is to expensive, building materials way over priced, batteries & micro chips are missing, Joe is bowing to his base on oil, & GG said it himself housing market is going to crash. The perfect storm! at&t can't build shit coz their tuff vendors suck. This is about to look like a redvine party
Jet Bomb : yes
Jet Bomb : All the money from the giveaways, has given everyone the chance to get what they desire. Now that inflation has hit most ppl don't need new or more. So they are saving to buy groceries & necessities meaning; tech can't hold it up, travel is to expensive, building materials way over priced, batteries & micro chips are missing, Joe is bowing to his base on oil, & GG said it himself housing market is going to crash. The perfect storm! at&t can't build shit coz their tuff vendors suck. This is about to look like a redvine party