IMRainMaker : It stated the stocks has reach upper limit. Pls try again tomorrow. Any idea that I can redeem?
Carl Chong OP : Just now I got the same statement as you but when I check again I can redeem it ! Maybe you can try it later v
Jaceyn : Hihi.. how to get the stock card? pls help anyone... thanks...
Carl Chong OP : You need to compLete task at task Center to get the stock caRd
IMRainMaker : It stated the stocks has reach upper limit. Pls try again tomorrow. Any idea that I can redeem?
Carl Chong OP : Just now I got the same statement as you but when I check again I can redeem it ! Maybe you can try it later v
Jaceyn : Hihi.. how to get the stock card? pls help anyone... thanks...
Carl Chong OP : You need to compLete task at task Center to get the stock caRd