GG guys I cant anymore.. i got tricked into hodling.. should have ran earlier
$Marin Software (MRIN.US)$ all other stocks is in green but MRIN in red.. -6.25% somemore.. sorry but i think i cant hodl anymore.. going to cut loss and run before it hits $7 tomorrow
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70539482 : you only loose if you more and average down then wait for it to jump up.
fwdj :
101600455 : the problem is will it ever jump up. it's like going down hill after that one time spike.
ducklol OP 101600455 : Ya bro this is over. Right @missblack ? It’s over already. No more hope for it.
joybxx : This did not age well
ducklol OP joybxx : how bout now? hehe
joybxx ducklol OP : I’ll come back again haha
huatSG ducklol OP : dont listen to him. he said CEMI dead. but it went up. LOL
ducklol OP joybxx : come back already? how bout now buddy.. did it aged well now? :)
joybxx ducklol OP : I'll come back again no worries
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