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MooMoo has a limit price of 999999.99 currently

$GameStop(GME.US)$ $AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$
Not financial advice, just for individuals to keep for knowledge and to make your own individual decision. Moomoo has a limit price of 999999.99 currently. Do your own math
MooMoo has a limit price of 999999.99 currently
MooMoo has a limit price of 999999.99 currently
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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  • Abyssus : Thanks for asking.

  • Koe Yunji OP Abyssus : No problem! HAHAHA i just thought that all of you should know

  • Koe Yunji OP 374783288e74 : Moon is not the limit! 🚀🌌

  • StonkStock : I asked if there is a limit of the buy and sell the agent told me its 40%+ current market price
    If not there is no actual limit. Perhaps I did not specify clearly

  • Koe Yunji OP StonkStock : The numbers that you could input in your buy/sell order caps at 999999.99 and I've tried it for myself. This would usually not be an issue if youre dealing with bluechip stocks as they take a long time to increase over 1 million starting 500k. But problem here is that, gamestop and amc price is determined by the retail the moment everyone holds for infinity pool and there is no more available float to buy back. It could be 10k, 500k or 10 mil and it depends on whoever is selling. So the problem now diverts from what your floor is to what your ceiling is. And for MooMoo, the ceiling is 999k until stated otherwise. Again, not financial advice so make your own financial decisions. I am personally holding to whatever number moomoo allows me to AFTER the measures have been taken. All the best my fellow apes🚀

  • MC1112 : Nice[undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • StonkStock Koe Yunji OP : Nice. Thanks for providing the info.
    As for the price.. Let's be greedy for once.
    Most likely AMC and gme play will not occur again

  • Koe Yunji OP StonkStock : I have diversified my portfolio as well, by using tiger to buy more stocks of GME🥳

    They allow orders and sells of 30 mil i think. So that will be the only shares i'll ever be selling (<10% of my positions). I am not here to be "greedy", I am here for a whole financial reconstruction. Down with HF Citadel and all their fraudulent schemes🍌🦍 I Hodl for everyone of u

  • 不要装B : do u guys seriously think amc will hit 500k? so optimistic?

  • StonkStock Koe Yunji OP : Aah.. I bought one gme as well but didn't know of the ceiling back then. Maybe will do that on Tiger as well.
    The amount of things they do to manipulate the market is no joke.

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