There may be a large volume of stocks before the market opens, so friends who want to open positions need to wait for the right opportunity and not chase after high prices.
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103127990 : When is a good time to enter?
102395172 : Probably how high is it before it's easy to keep up?
小时代叶天 OP 102395172 : Personally, I think 18-20++ is all about chasing higher, remember the lessons of the SGOC
小时代叶天 OP : Bold friends, I wouldn't mind you going on an adventure!
102395172 小时代叶天 OP : OK, so you can get in at least 18?
101856489 : It has risen by more than 10 points
102205632 : With your suggestions! 21 enters the market 28 out of 7000 USD. We can have a good meal for lunch tomorrow
小时代叶天 OP 102205632 : Take a picture and show me!
102764470 102395172 : It won't drop to this price
小时代叶天 OP 102764470 : Friends who can accept risk can open positions early. Otherwise just wait; if you miss it, you'll miss out on another chance
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