DayleyTrades : Source?
1023649386 OP DayleyTrades : check filings please
lcsjhnnyblz : wrong
1023649386 OP lcsjhnnyblz : delusional, he sold 76k, if you can't read official filings then don't comment
SaiG : Yea this is correct. I came to this stock way before he went to space. He sold it on the Monday after the week he went to space. The stock price dropped a lot,
1023649386 OP SaiG : delusional bagholders who can't read filings and accept that this is diving to the ground will still say that we're wrong lol
DayleyTrades : Source?
1023649386 OP DayleyTrades : check filings please
lcsjhnnyblz : wrong
1023649386 OP lcsjhnnyblz : delusional, he sold 76k, if you can't read official filings then don't comment
SaiG : Yea this is correct. I came to this stock way before he went to space. He sold it on the Monday after the week he went to space. The stock price dropped a lot,
1023649386 OP SaiG : delusional bagholders who can't read filings and accept that this is diving to the ground will still say that we're wrong lol