HODL and if can, average down your cost. To see SP 20+ is not quite posssible unless the USPS contract awarded...another thing is for the company to improve manufacturing capacity and sales improvement. Else, 18.xx will be max for short term 3-6 months.
LegionX : Hold bro it will rise overtime de
左左治 : Hold
RiskNeo : Sell at 12,than buy back at 11.50. if you want to try.
KwanSook : HODL and if can, average down your cost. To see SP 20+ is not quite posssible unless the USPS contract awarded...another thing is for the company to improve manufacturing capacity and sales improvement. Else, 18.xx will be max for short term 3-6 months.
Henlodoggo : my cost is also 18 T.T. you could sell a put and get some credits. its a way of averaging down also but you get a premium for doing that.