Dirtman OP Dr Mobile Genius : Wow! Sure! $20 EOD 2 weeks back?
AlphaWolf01 Dirtman OP : Took him forever to came out, I was so sad these few days without our clown
Dirtman OP AlphaWolf01 : It was not the same without him around...
AlphaWolf01 : He pridicts 50%, drop from 38, basics of investment states SSR and circuit breakers are in place. Feels bad knowing the "smart money" is dumber than us
Dirtman OP Dr Mobile Genius : Wow! Sure! $20 EOD 2 weeks back?
AlphaWolf01 Dirtman OP : Took him forever to came out, I was so sad these few days without our clown
Dirtman OP AlphaWolf01 : It was not the same without him around...
AlphaWolf01 : He pridicts 50%, drop from 38, basics of investment states SSR and circuit breakers are in place. Feels bad knowing the "smart money" is dumber than us