Cougar of Wallstreet
Honestly I feel but what you are comfortable with. Even 1 share can turn out to become $$$ just don’t get yourself into financial trouble in the interim by borrowing money to invest, using all your Life savings, etc don’t let FOMO lead you down a dark path. Every share counts and every ape counts regardless of the number of shares in this movement
Cougar of Wallstreet
yes, invest with the money that I can lose and not utilize at this moment, without loan from other and make life difficult.
chubbybunny : You are amazing
Doc___ : I hear that makes you super hero status. Think 200-500 makes baby ape. 500 to 5000 makes you ape. Anything Over 5000 makes you silver back
要HoDL OP Doc___ : just done what we can. buy 1 share and hold is also APE.
102721962 : You guys are awesome I'm just little fritters
Doc___ 要HoDL OP : Absolutely.
Cougar of Wallstreet : Honestly I feel but what you are comfortable with. Even 1 share can turn out to become $$$ just don’t get yourself into financial trouble in the interim by borrowing money to invest, using all your Life savings, etc don’t let FOMO lead you down a dark path. Every share counts and every ape counts regardless of the number of shares in this movement
要HoDL OP Cougar of Wallstreet : yes, invest with the money that I can lose and not utilize at this moment, without loan from other and make life difficult.
Cougar of Wallstreet 要HoDL OP : Exactly! We be wise and not greedy like the hedgies!