CookieMunchster : You don’t lose the shares. You just continue to hold shares that is no longer in a public market and you can no longer sell them off so readily/easily.
7777777 : If go private. How are u going to sell ur share in the stock market?
chowyunfatt : I see you like to live dangerously.
Jones Ng : Is it possible to Trade via OTC?
Mofiefo : Go big or go home , buy!
1016024531 : Didi will offer a price to takeover existing shares , which if to placate shareholders might be higher than current levels or even $14
かつかつが : they will buyback shares
丁巳 : they might just buy at lower price. take it or leave it
gnohnaix : they won't buy lower for sure....most institution will sue them... it should be around 14
CookieMunchster : You don’t lose the shares. You just continue to hold shares that is no longer in a public market and you can no longer sell them off so readily/easily.
7777777 : If go private. How are u going to sell ur share in the stock market?
chowyunfatt : I see you like to live dangerously.
Jones Ng : Is it possible to Trade via OTC?
Mofiefo : Go big or go home , buy!
1016024531 : Didi will offer a price to takeover existing shares , which if to placate shareholders might be higher than current levels or even $14
かつかつが : they will buyback shares
丁巳 : they might just buy at lower price. take it or leave it
gnohnaix : they won't buy lower for sure....most institution will sue them... it should be around 14