心灵深处 OP : i will still lose $3 per share if they buy back at $14. sad
silentcyfer 心灵深处 OP : Don’t get your hopes up at $14 buy back.
Moon-walker : Dont think they will buy back@14. Lower.
silentcyfer Moon-walker : Yes lower price to help investors cut loss only...
Bankrookie : Me 16.4
妹妹别走哥陪你到白头 : I'm at the cost of 15.5 and the price is 1000 shares
心灵深处 OP : i will still lose $3 per share if they buy back at $14. sad
silentcyfer 心灵深处 OP : Don’t get your hopes up at $14 buy back.
Moon-walker : Dont think they will buy back@14. Lower.
silentcyfer Moon-walker : Yes lower price to help investors cut loss only...
Bankrookie : Me 16.4
妹妹别走哥陪你到白头 : I'm at the cost of 15.5 and the price is 1000 shares