click the trade and tap on the code row, the selections of suggested stocks will appear, select then decide if buy or sell. Execute the whole flow and your done.
When you get some good sound advice could you please pass it on to me, I'm know I'm this platform and I need some help please,i don't know how Temperature aiding works or this platform but I want to learn how so I can get it into the market over here please and thank you
Julieta : click the trade and tap on the code row, the selections of suggested stocks will appear, select then decide if buy or sell. Execute the whole flow and your done.
letsgetmoney : When you get some good sound advice could you please pass it on to me, I'm know I'm this platform and I need some help please,i don't know how Temperature aiding works or this platform but I want to learn how so I can get it into the market over here please and thank you
IQtrader letsgetmoney : I've been training for over 7 years let me know if you need any help
IQtrader : I'll be glad to assist you hit me up whenever you'd like, I've been trading for about seven years now
103868723 IQtrader : Can you help me how can I see price levels or candle charts? Thanks.
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