This forum not welcome different voices, not allow bad word abt AMC, can only say things like "keep holding, to the moon, buy the dip " or the APEs will stigmatize you as paper hand. Hahahahha
Not true. If you have something concrete, then you post it out for every ape to read. If you post shit without any substance, you will get whacked nicely on your sweet ass. We ain’t so free to target just anyone but only those shills and DR MOBILE. Some posts are very toxic and may confuse some newbies. So if must, we will defend our fort like Fort Knox.
Otherwise like all the apes said holding buying dip all the time, AMC will have good squeeze play every day, and we are already on the moon lol
Why do dudes always have to talk about their balls or dick? There are apettes here who don’t want to hear/read that street talk garbage. Grow up!
peartree : This forum not welcome different voices, not allow bad word abt AMC, can only say things like "keep holding, to the moon, buy the dip " or the APEs will stigmatize you as paper hand. Hahahahha
HODL TIL THEY FOLD peartree : ok let's hear your argument why AMC is a bad squeeze play. I'll wait.
GOOBERHAG peartree : I'm not selling
GOOBERHAG peartree : What's wrong with the squeeze?
Zerocool888 peartree : Not true. If you have something concrete, then you post it out for every ape to read. If you post shit without any substance, you will get whacked nicely on your sweet ass. We ain’t so free to target just anyone but only those shills and DR MOBILE. Some posts are very toxic and may confuse some newbies. So if must, we will defend our fort like Fort Knox.
peartree HODL TIL THEY FOLD : Otherwise like all the apes said holding buying dip all the time, AMC will have good squeeze play every day, and we are already on the moon lol
Rooltide : Could not have said this better myself!

RageAndLove : Why do dudes always have to talk about their balls or dick? There are apettes here who don’t want to hear/read that street talk garbage. Grow up!
cubsfantrey333 RageAndLove : They're probably 20 and own 3 shares.
HODL TIL THEY FOLD peartree : wtf are you talking about? can you string two sentences properly together?
still waiting on a proper counter argument to the short squeeze play.
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